Client Services
Information, Resource & Referral
Bridges Pointe, Inc sends a monthly newsletter bi-monthly to those on our mailing and distribution lists. Sign-up to be included on our mailing list to receive news and events happening in the community related to Sickle Cell and/or health-related topics.
Bridges is able to make referrals to and receive referrals from our community partners. whether it be navigating through Care, Education, Employment, or Financial Hardships because of sickle cell disease, please reach out to us for support.
Client Assistance
During the Holidays, Bridges Pointe provides Christmas gifts to those in need that attend the Duke Pediatric SC Clinic. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, in 2020, we instead provided 5 pediatric families with Christmas gifts and coats for the winter.
For Covid19 Relief, Bridges Pointe, Inc. assisted individuals living with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) and/or Caregiver who provide direct support to a family member with SCD. The Program is temporarily on hold until more funds can be obtained.
Bridges Pointe Apartments
The Bridges Pointe Apartments are the first housing program in the U.S. to be developed specifically for individuals with Sickle Cell Disease. Bridges Pointe, Inc. serves as managing agents for the Bridges Pointe Apartments and acts as intermediaries between the residents and the owner Durham Community Land Trustees, Inc. The two non-profit organizations teamed up to provide affordable housing and supportive services for individuals with sickle cell disease.
The vision of the apartments is to enable young adults who are struggling with the physical and psychosocial complications of sickle cell disease to transition to adulthood with dignity. The target population is young adults (ages 18 to 35) with sickle cell disease. The apartments feature: 2 One-bedroom units and 2 Three-bedroom suites. At this time, the apartments only house men but Bridges hopes to expand and obtain other housing for women and children in the future. The apartments are conveniently located in Durham, NC.
Care Coordination
Sickle Cell Disease is a rare blood disorder; therefore, sickle persons need access to hematologists, social workers, counselors, aids, etc. Bridges Pointe, Inc. is a liaison that assists with the organization of activities between participants involved in a patient’s care, to facilitate the appropriate delivery of health care services. We work to ensure all have clear, shared expectations about their roles and that effective referrals and transitions take place.
Peer & Social Support
Bridges Pointe, Inc. recommends the following Support Groups in the Triangle area. Contact Information for each support group are listed.
Durham County Sickle Cell Support Group - Alexia Howard or Cheryl Allen-Bivens Email: SCSupGrpDurham@gmail.com
Wake County Sickle Cell Support Group - https://www.wakecountysicklecell.org/copy-of-contact
Duke Pediatric SC Transition Program - Email: Vivian.Lewis@dm.duke.edu
Bridges Pointe, Inc. helps to create a safe space for sickle cell persons to have the ability to express their concerns with their care. Bridges promotes sickle cell persons’ rights and responsibilities by assisting them with exploring their choices and options. At the federal level, through our membership with the SCDAA, we voice initiatives to present before members of Congress and their staff to help educate legislators about the Sickle Cell community.